
Version history for the Series Engine plugin

Version is a small bug fix release that corrects YouTube embed code generation that was accidentally broken from

Version is a small bug fix release that addresses some admin pages reloading when trying to switch between tabs.

Version 2.8.8 is a language related update that adds official support for the Vietnamese language and addresses minor bugs throughout the plugin.

Version 2.8.7 is a bug fix update that fixes Twitter sharing links, and an issue where some customization options were ignored when a user chose Series Archives as the initial view.

Version 2.8.6 is a language related update that adds official support for the French language and addresses minor typos and bugs related to displaying other languages throughout the plugin.

Version is a small bug fix release that addresses an issue where the displayed speaker sometimes wouldn't update upon changing a message's speaker and saving.

Version 2.8.5 is a fresh update that removes the 255 character limit for podcast descriptions and adds some UI updates in the backend throughout the plugin.

Version 2.8.4 is a healthy update that adds Russian language support, more Dutch Bible translations, fixes for some Divi module bugs, and a revised plugin updater for finnicky servers.

Version is a very small bug fix update that addresses a tiny error when saving some messages for users that are already running PHP 7.4.

Version is a small bug fix update that restores the datepicker after WordPress 5.5 and the ability to select the proper primary series for a message.

Version 2.8.3 is a small update that adds compatibility with the new version of jQuery found in WordPress 5.5.

Version 2.8.2 is a small update that adds two French Bible translations by user request, and makes some minor tweaks to scripture formatting when scripture links are added.

Version is a small release that improves the reliability of loading Facebook video embeds with AJAX loading enabled. It also addresses a few small quirks with JavaScript on permalink pages.

Version 2.8.1 is a hefty update that includes a number of behind-the-scenes improvements:

Please note: If you have caching enabled on your site, you may want to refresh your pages after this update as it references different JS files than older versions.

Version 2.8 is a fun update designed specifically for users of the Elementor page builder. That's right... Series Engine now integrates directly with Elementor through a simple drag-and-drop widget!

Instead of using shortcodes in Elementor, you can now drag a Series Engine widget anywhere on the page and customize all features within the widget, all without ever having to touch a shortcode!

This release also includes fixes that address minor bugs where slashes were occasionally visible in text throughout the plugin.

Version is a new release that adds Japanese language support (woohoo!), fixes broken Twitter sharing links, shows download links even when related messages are hidden, and addresses a rendering bug when embeds from two different providers were used on the same message.

Version is a bug fix release that addresses timezone issues in WordPress 5.3 (without having to use the toggle in settings), and should address an issue with blank permalink pages in some themes.

Version is a small update that adds support for the CEB bible translation, the ability to manually override the language tag in podcast feeds, and a few small stylesheet improvements.

Version is a small bug fix update that improves the validation of podcast feeds using one of the recently added language translations.

Version is a small bug fix update that improves the reliability of imports from the Church Content Plugin.

Version 2.7.9 is a great feature update that adds a few commonly asked for features and big fixes:

More fun updates are on the way!

Version 2.7.8 is a small update that adds a full Dutch front-end translation and three additional German Bible translations for scripture references. It also includes a bug fix for doubled labels in some Series Archives views, and a small bug fix for the Divi module when modifying the display style of related messages.

Version 2.7.7 is a small tweak release that adds a toggle to turn off Series Engine's instance of Font Awesome (if needed by devs). It also fixes a small bug where the Divi module wouldn't allow users to adjust the display of related messages.

Version 2.7.6 is a language update that adds a Chinese (Traditional) front-end translation and an additional Chinese Bible translation.

Version 2.7.5 is a small bug fix that addresses an issue where JavaScript links from row view related messages wouldn't load in some circumstances.

Version 2.7.4 is a small enhancement update that adds the following features:

Version 2.7.3 is a minor release that adds further internationalization support for dates throughout the plugin, improved date formatting in podcast feeds, and more accurate scripture references for German users.

Version 2.7.2 is a tweak release that adjusts how Series Engine content is loaded with JavaScript to be better compatible with sites. If you've had unexpected behavior with our plugin and your hosted site, this update should fix those issues entirely :-)

Version 2.7.1 is a small update that adds some tweaks and bug fixes:

Check back soon for some big updates and new features.

Version 2.7 is a big update that adds more customization options and several meaningful tweaks and bug fixes:

Hope you enjoy this big update! There's much more coming down the pipeline soon.

Version 2.6.1 is a fun little update designed especially for users of the Divi Theme. That's right... Series Engine now integrates directly with Divi Builder and Visual Builder through a simple drag-and-drop module!

Instead of using shortcodes in Divi, you can now drag a Series Engine module anywhere on the page, customize all features within the module and see your changes right away, all without ever having to touch a shortcode!

Check out the video guides on our site to see it in action. It's never been easier to share your sermons with Divi!

Version 2.6 is a small update that adds more customization options and a few bug fixes:

Enjoy the update!

Version 2.5.7 is a small bug fix release that addresses an issue where imported Messages from the Sermon Browser plugin were occasionally missing the full URL for media files.

Version 2.5.6 is a small update that addresses an issue where files/attachments wouldn't save user-edited reordering. It also makes minor adjustments to a few instructions in the plugin, and adds support for the Afrikaans 1983 Bible translation for scripture references (by user request).

Version 2.5.5 is a feature and bug fix release that adds some great new features and squishes some pesky bugs:

Enjoy the update, and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Version 2.5.2 addresses an issue where WordPress media library windows wouldn't open after the 2.5.1 update.

Version 2.5.1 is a routine bug fix release that addresses a number of small, but annoying issues:

More fun is on the horizon!

Version 2.5 is a big feature release focusing on a few key areas:

As there are many interface tweaks and changes in this release, you'll want to clear your browser history/cache after updating to make sure you're seeing all of the great new features. More fun updates are on the horizon!

Version 2.2.5 is a very small CSS tweak release that fixes disappearing video embeds for users of the Salient theme (and its bonkers JavaScript loading).

Version 2.2.4 is a bug fix release that addresses install and update issues for WordPress multisite users.

Version 2.2.3 is a small bug fix release that addresses an issue where OG tags could cause Series Engine content to render in the header during certain conditions.

Version 2.2.2 is a small bug fix release that fixes issues with quotes throughout the interface, addresses some issues with image uploads, and adds a toggle for disabling OG tags (if they're already being generated by your theme code or another plugin).

Version 2.2.1 is a small feature update that automatically pushes open graph tags to Series Engine permalink pages for social sharing. Long story short, the appropriate text and images should now be pulled in automatically when a Message is shared.

Version 2.2 is a feature and bug fix update with a few key focus areas:

WordPress can be kind of funny with permalinks when you add a new slug, so after you update, head over to Settings > Permalinks and click save at the bottom of the page (you don't need to make any changes unless you want to). You'll also want to run the one-click permalink updater in Series Engine > Import and Export to get permalinks generated for all of your existing Messages.

If you have more questions about permalinks, check out a detailed walkthrough of how they work in Series Engine > User Guide. We hope you enjoy this update!

Version 2.1.2 is a small bug fix release that addresses missing Series titles when viewing Messages in the admin panel, an issue generating Series archives embed codes with custom Related Messages views, and an issue where the "Speaker" filter menu on the Messages admin page wouldn't load.

Version 2.1.1 is a small bug fix release that addresses an issue where content loaded with JavaScript might hang.

Version 2.1 is a feature and bug fix update with a few key focus areas:

Version 2.0.5 is a small feature update, hot on the heels of our 2.0 release. Here's what was changed:

Version 2.0 is here, and its the biggest release in the history of the plugin. Let's get straight to the new features:

If you're upgrading from a previous version, be sure to stop by the Import and Export page and follow the instructions at the bottom for some one-click data cleanup that will prepare your data to take advantage of all of the new features. Also, it never hurts to clear your browser's cache.

We hope you love v2.0!

Version 1.9.6 is a small bug fix release that modifies the stylesheet to adjust row heights in image-based series archives.

Version 1.9.5 is an exciting feature release that adds two of our most requested features (and a few other small things):

Version 1.9 is a big release that's jam-packed with changes and features:

Note: as there are lots of style and JavaScript changes in this release, make sure you clear your cache after updating.

Version 1.8.6 is another big update with some really great improvements and features:

Version 1.8.5 is a big update that includes several frequently requested improvements:

Get excited! More big updates are on their way in the coming months :-)

Version 1.8.4 is a feature update that includes three frequently requested tweaks to the plugin (yay!):

More fun changes and additions are on the horizon!

Version 1.8.3 addresses some (mostly harmless) issues that popped up when saving settings in WP 4.7+.

Version 1.8.2 is a small bug fix release that adds explicit tags for some podcast feeds that were being rejected by iTunes.

Version 1.8.1 is a minor bug fix release that fixes some menu titles in WordPress 4.4 and fixes a style issue for some users who saw extra padding added to the right of their media players.

Version 1.8 is a major feature release that also includes a few bug fixes:

Version 1.7.2 is a small bug fix release that addresses visual glitches in the MediaElement audio player after an update to WordPress 4.1.

Version 1.7.1 is a small update that makes the following adjustments...

Version 1.7 is a sizable update that makes the following adjustments...

Version 1.6 adds full support for retina class devices, and a cosmetic update on the backend for WordPress 3.8 users.

Version 1.5.5 is a bug fix release that addresses the following issues...

Version 1.5.3 addresses a small issue where some users were unable to change Series images after the last update.

Version 1.5.2 is a bug fix release that addresses the following issues...

Version 1.5.1 is a bug fix release that addresses the following issues...

Version 1.5 is a big feature release that includes several frequently requested enhancements and updates:

Please note: Version 1.5 REQUIRES WordPress 3.5+.

Version 1.4 is a substantial update that includes several frequently requested enhancements and updates:

Update now before the next version of WordPress rolls out!

Version is a bug fix release that addresses file/link attachment issues for a small number of users using servers with extreme security settings.

Version is a bug fix release that provides better support for archive pages and is more friendly with Windows servers.

Version 1.3.4 is a bug fix/feature release that makes it much easier to get the latest version of the plugin. Look for the new "Check for Updates" item in the Series Engine menu!

Version is a bug fix release that eliminates some harmless error messages for some users.

Version is a minor bug fix release that enhances theme compatibility.

Version 1.3.3 is a bug fix release for some users experiencing issues with podcast feed validation due to timezone issues.

Version is a bug fix release that fixes a few issues for those using custom embed codes among all Series Types.

Version is a minor bug fix release that addresses (hopefully the last) of the "prepare" warnings in WordPress 3.5

Version is a bug fix release that restores functionality for users using old versions of jQuery. It also addresses an issue where some user's Messages were improperly sorted.

Version 1.3.2 is a compatibility update that adds full support for WordPress 3.5 and jQuery 1.8+, along with some enhanced security.

Version 1.3.1 is a podcasting enchancement release that is recommended for all users. It eliminates several quirks, and adds compatiblity for an expanded array of file types.

Version is a minor bug fix release.

Version is a bug fix release that adds the theme compatibility fix back into the Settings menu for some users.

Version is a compatibility release that addresses visual anomolies that some users have experienced alongside of the MediaElement Plugin. See the troubleshooting section of the User Guide for details.

Version 1.3 is a major feature release that includes support for WordPress Multisite! If you haven't enabled multisite yet, the plugin update will work fine for you if you ever do. If you're already using Series Engine on a multisite install (which probably wasn't pretty), it would be best to uninstall the plugin and reinstall with version 1.3 for a fresh start. Contact if you need a fresh copy of the plugin.

Version is a minor compatibility release that compensates for more poorly coded Themes.

Version is a minor compatibility release that compensates for a few other poorly coded plugins.

Version is a compatibility release that compensates for a few poorly coded themes.

Version 1.2.9 is a style compatibility release that adds increased support for IE 7 and fixes an issue where the share link box would be hidden behind some Flash content.

Version 1.2.8 is a bug fix release that fixes some minor issues with podcast links and podcast XML errors due to special characters in titles.

Version 1.2.7 is a bug fix release that allows automatic file data importing to gracefully fail on servers that don't support it (it gets rid of most of the strange error messages you may have seen when uploading an mp3 or video podcast file).

Version 1.2.6 is a bug fix release that addresses occasionally disappearing message tabs.

Version 1.2.5 improves on version 1.2 by adding a new "Extras" menu to your messages (if space allows) in the media browser. This makes your link and file downloads a lot more prominent!

Version 1.2 is a feature release that adds the ability to attach links/file downloads to a Message (woohoo!) and enables you to include HTML in Series and Message descriptions. (Two of our most requested features!)

Version 1.1.3 is feature tweak release that provides more control over message sorting and allows you to use the custom embed code generator to hide the initial default message from view.

Version 1.1.2 is a minor bug fix release that adjusts JavaScript for poorly coded themes and fixes occasional issues with sharing messages on Facebook and Twitter.

Version 1.1.1 is a minor bug fix release that adds more theme compatibility and compensates for a few overzealous themes.

Version 1.1 is a major new feature release that adds several highly requested features to Series Engine...

Be sure to check out your User Guide for detailed instructions on using the new Speakers section and the other great new features.

Version 1.0.2 includes small bug fixes for timezones, pagination and properly escaped characters.

Version 1.0.1 includes small bug fixes for issues that were not discovered in the beta.

Version 1.0 is the first public release. It contains small bug fixes from the beta, most notably enhancements to the podcast feeds.

Version 0.9.2 is the second beta update; it includes several small bug fixes, Standard Theme 3 compatibility and responsive CSS for the support of mobile theme templates!

Version 0.9.1 is the first beta update; it includes several small bug and stylesheet fixes, as well as a major widget update that provides more details about recent messages, series and topics.

Version 0.9 is the initial beta release.